PACK 5 Psychology

A workbook about procrastination. Why do we delay doing the difficult tasks that we know we need to do? Suitable for adults or teens at upper B2 or C1 level.

A workbook about practicing emotional first aid through the lens of student mental health during a pandemic. Suitable for adults at a C1 level

A workbook about the importance of sleep for your health, and the different chronotypes, or sleep patterns. Suitable for adults or teens at upper B2 or C1 level.

A workbook about magical thinking and superstitions. ? ✨? Some of our beliefs and behaviors may not be backed up by science, but does that mean they aren’t helpful in some way? Suitable for adults or teens at upper B2 or C1 level.

A workbook about burnout ? What it is, what are the signs, and what we can do about it are all discussed in this workbook. Suitable for adults or teens at upper B2 or C1 level.

Автор: Melanie Mallory

Возраст: Взрослые

Уровень: B2

Уровень: C1

Категория: Сеты

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