PACK 4 Movie & Music (A2-B1)

Арт. w341
Movie & Music Pack

This pack focuses on Music and Movies.
It can be used for young teenagers or adults at A2+ / B1- level

It includes:
Four workbooks, each broken down into two lessons, on the topics of Movies and Music.
Eight new vocabulary lists with accompanying level-appropriate articles and videos.
Introduction to, and change to practice, grammar: Present simple for film narrative, the passive, “I would”, and using conjunctions for narrative.
Several other speaking activities, for example “Design your own music festival”
Pictures and memes at the end of each ‘lesson’ for discussion.

Автор: Gwyneth Jones

Автор: Резеда Халиуллина

Уровень: A2

Уровень: B1

Возраст: Подростки

Возраст: Взрослые

Категория: Сеты

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